Quality Policy

Our Policies

At Next Generations Company Limited (NGCL), we are deeply committed to upholding the highest standards in all aspects of our certification services. Our dedication to excellence, impartiality, confidentiality, and ethical conduct is reflected in our comprehensive policies, which guide our operations and interactions with all stakeholders. Below, we introduce our core policies that underpin our certification processes:

Organization Policy

Our Organization Policy is the cornerstone of our commitment to excellence in certification services. We prioritize our clients’ needs, ensuring not just to meet but to exceed their expectations consistently. With a focus on continuous improvement, we engage in regular reviews, feedback analyses, and enhancement initiatives to uphold and advance the quality of our services. Read More

Impartiality Policy

Impartiality is paramount in our certification activities. We ensure that all certification decisions are made based on objective evidence of conformity or non-conformity and that any potential conflicts of interest are identified, analyzed, and mitigated. Our Impartiality Policy underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest level of objectivity and fairness throughout the certification process. Read More

Confidentiality Policy

Protecting the information of our clients and stakeholders is of utmost importance to us. Our Confidentiality Policy outlines the measures we take to ensure that all information received or accessed during certification activities is handled with the highest level of discretion and security, maintaining the trust placed in us by our clients. Read More

Certification Suspending, Withdrawing, and Reduction Policy

Maintaining the credibility and integrity of our certification process is critical. Our policy on Suspending, Withdrawing, or Reduction of certification outlines the conditions under which certification statuses may be reviewed and adjusted. This policy ensures transparency and fairness in cases where certification statuses need to be managed due to compliance issues or other significant concerns. Read More

Dive Deeper into Our Policies

Each of our policies is designed with our stakeholders’ best interests in mind, ensuring that we conduct our certification activities with integrity, fairness, and respect for confidentiality. We invite you to explore each policy in detail to understand how we uphold our values and commitments in our certification services.


Confidentiality Policy

Organization Policy

Impartiality Policy

Suspending, Withdrawing, and reduction Policy