Complaints & Appeals

Complaints Handling Process

Should the client have cause to complain regarding the conduct of Next Generations Company Limited’s staff or auditors, the complaint should be made in writing addressed to the General Manager of Next Generations Company Limited at (Email for complaints and appeals); or through the company website(Website); or through a registered letter.

Should the complaint be made against the General Manager, the letter of complaint should be addressed to the Next Generations Company Limited Board Of Directors.

Complaints received by Next Generations Company Limited from any stakeholder regarding the activities of a certificated client shall be referred to that client at an appropriate time.

The complaint shall be investigated in accordance with the Next Generations Company Limited complaints handling process procedure and the outcome communicated, if necessary.

The alleged complaint is logged and evaluated to establish its validity, with any required corrective action instigated where necessary.  This process shall be subject to requirements of confidentiality.  Next Generations Company Limited shall determine, together with the client and complainant, whether and, if so to what extent, the subject of the complaint and its resolution shall be made public.

Appeals Procedure

The client has the right to appeal against any decision or notification by Next Generations Company Limited including the suspension, reduction in scope or withdrawal of certification by Next Generations Company Limited.

Notification of a client’s intention to appeal must be made in writing and must be addressed to the Next Generations Company Limited General Manager within fourteen days of receipt of any notification or decision at (Email for Complaints and appeals); or through the company: website(Website); or through a registered letter.

The client has the right to object to the involvement of particular members of the Next Generations Company Limited management in the appeals procedure if evidence can be provided that their impartiality is compromised.  The appellants also have the right to present their case in person at their own expense.

The appeal will be heard by an Appeals Committee including members of top management. The Appeals Committee shall be impartial and independent of the persons involved in the issue raised. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding on both the client and Next Generations Company Limited. Once the Appeals Committee has made a decision, no counterclaim by either party in a dispute can be made to amend or change its decision.  Decisions on appeals will be made within 2 months of receipt of the appeal, or earlier if practicable.

The outcome of an appeal shall be communicated in writing to the appellant and will be kept up to date on the progress.

Investigation and decisions on appeals shall not result in any discriminatory actions against the appellant.

    To issue a complaint or appeal please click below.