Certification Process

1. Application and Initial Inquiry

  • Initial Contact:
  • Your journey begins when you reach out with an inquiry about certification. We provide you with all necessary information regarding the certification process, requirements, and how it aligns with your organizational goals.
  • Application Submission:
  • You’ll need to complete a detailed application form, providing information about your organization, the management system in place, and the specific standards for which you seek certification.

2. Review and Contract Formation

  • Application Review:
  • Our team reviews your application to assess the scope of your management system, organizational context, and readiness for the audit. This review ensures that we fully understand your certification needs.
  • Contract Agreement:
  • Based on the application review, we draft a contract that outlines the scope of the audit, including timelines, costs, and any specific requirements. This contract formalizes our engagement and sets the stage for the audit process.

3. Audit Preparation

  • Audit Team Selection:
  • We select an audit team that matches the technical and sector-specific requirements of your management system, avoiding any conflicts of interest. You will be informed of the audit team composition and have the right to object to any member.
  • Pre-audit Communication: The lead auditor will liaise with you to finalize the audit plan, ensuring it covers all necessary areas of your management system and complies with the relevant standards.

4. Stage 1 Audit (Preliminary Audit)

  • Purpose:
  • This initial audit stage aims to review your management system’s documentation, assess site-specific conditions, and evaluate your readiness for the Stage 2 audit.
  • Activities:
  • The audit team reviews your management system documentation, interviews key personnel, and assesses compliance with the applicable standards. This stage identifies any significant gaps or areas for improvement before proceeding to Stage 2.

5. Stage 2 Audit (Certification Audit)

  • Main Audit:
  • This comprehensive audit evaluates the implementation and effectiveness of your management system against the standard’s requirements.
  • Opening Meeting:
  • The audit kicks off with a meeting to discuss the objectives, confirm the audit scope, and introduce the audit team and your representatives.
  • Audit Execution:
  • The audit team conducts a detailed examination of your processes, controls, and records through observations, interviews, and document reviews.
  • Closing Meeting:
  • At the audit’s conclusion, the team presents their findings, including any non-conformities that need to be addressed before certification can be granted.

6. Certification Decision and Issuance

  • Audit Review:
  • Following the Stage 2 audit, the audit team compiles a report detailing their findings. This report undergoes a thorough review by a separate certification body within our organization to ensure impartiality and compliance with auditing standards.
  • Certification Issuance:
  • Once any identified non-conformities are addressed, and the review confirms compliance with the standard, the certification decision is made. A certificate is then issued, signifying your organization’s compliance with the management system standard.

7. Surveillance Audits

  • Ongoing Compliance:
  • To maintain your certification, periodic surveillance audits are conducted, typically annually. These audits ensure your management system continues to comply with the standard and functions effectively.
  • Audit Schedule:
  • You will be informed well in advance of the scheduled surveillance audits, allowing ample time for preparation.

8. Recertification

  • Recertification Audit:
  • Before the expiration of your certification, a recertification audit is performed to evaluate the ongoing relevance, adequacy, and effectiveness of your management system. This audit revisits the criteria covered in Stage 2 and considers the performance throughout the certification cycle.


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